Hybrid Assistant Report

Car model Prius 2
Generated at 12/08/2019 11:00:25
Version HA:265 HR:84


Trip summary

Start 12/08/2019 10:42:57
Finish 12/08/2019 10:54:55

Total EV % No Fuel %
Distance 0.00 mi 0.00 mi 0% 0.00 mi 0%
Time 11:57 6:03 52% 6:03 51%
Moving 0:00 0:00 NaN% 0:00 NaN%

Average 0 mph
Moving Average NaN mph
EV Average 0 mph
Max 0 mph

Start SOC 55.69%
End SOC 51.37%
Altitude Delta -11

Trip summary values are detailed by Time, Moving and EV.
Time is the total trip time.
Moving stats regards only the fraction of time while the car was not standing still.
EV stats are accounted only when the petrol engine is stopped.
No Fuel sums EV driving with the petrol engine running without fuel like coasting at high speed or driving down a slope.

SOC Statistics


30 40 50 60 70 80 -30 -16 -2 12 26 40 0 10:42:57 10:44:17 10:45:37 10:46:57 10:48:16 10:49:36 10:50:56 10:52:16 10:53:35 10:54:55 Time SOC Battery Current SOC Battery Current

Average 52.50%
Start 55.69%
End 51.37%
Delta -4.31%
Min 38.04%
Max 61.18%
Standard deviation 7.27%

Difference from optimum -7.50%
SOC gained from brakings 6.67%
SOC gained from coasting 0.00%
Total SOC gained 6.67%
SOC charged by ICE 13.33%

High Voltage Battery Statistics

Current Voltage
Avg -3.11 A 223.39 V
Min -24.00 A 198.00 V
Max 38.00 A 248.00 V

Power Charge Limit Discharge Limit
Avg -0.808 kW -25.000 kW 21.000 kW
Start 0.000 kW -25.000 kW 21.000 kW
End 0.000 kW -25.000 kW 21.000 kW
Min -6.776 kW -25.000 kW 21.000 kW
Max 7.904 kW -25.000 kW 21.000 kW

Total energy from the battery 0.128 kWh
Total energy to the battery 0.288 kWh
Battery energy balance 0.160 kWh
Average services consumption 1.031 kW

Power Distribution

-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 10:42:57 10:44:17 10:45:37 10:46:57 10:48:16 10:49:36 10:50:56 10:52:16 10:53:35 10:54:55 Time Speed/Power Speed Engine power HV Battery Power


30 40 50 60 70 80 -30 -18 -6 6 18 30 0 10:42:57 10:44:17 10:45:37 10:46:57 10:48:16 10:49:36 10:50:56 10:52:16 10:53:35 10:54:55 Time SOC Power (kW) SOC Battery Discharge Current Limit Battery Charge Current Limit HV Battery Power

Charge and discharge kW limits for the battery.
These values may change with battery level and temperature.
When the battery is nearly full, charge limit is reduced.
On low temperatures, charge and discharge limits are reduced to preserve battery life.

High Voltage Battery Health

Be sure to follow the guideline for HV Check as specified on the official website.

Note: Statistics from this paragraph are limited to the HV Check time span, not the whole trip

HV Battery
Number of Blocks 14
Number of samples 923
Average sample time 0.48
Start time 12/08/2019 10:47:28
End time 12/08/2019 10:54:51
Duration 7:23

Block values

14 15 16 17 18 30 45 60 75 90 10:47:28 10:48:17 10:49:06 10:49:56 10:50:45 10:51:34 10:52:23 10:53:13 10:54:02 10:54:51 Time V SOC % Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 Block 5 Block 6 Block 7 Block 8 Block 9 Block 10 Block 11 Block 12 Block 13 Block 14 SOC

Voltage value of each battery block.
A block behaving differently from the others may indicate a degraded element.

Voltage Delta

14 15 16 17 18 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 10:47:28 10:48:17 10:49:06 10:49:56 10:50:45 10:51:34 10:52:23 10:53:13 10:54:02 10:54:51 Time V Delta Max Average Min Delta

Min, max and average voltage values are plotted.
Average value should be halfway between min and max; a bias over one value may indicate an unbalanced battery.
Voltage delta between highest and lowest block is also plotted on the bottom of the chart.

Blocks stats
Block Min Max % Time @ Min V Avg Bias Max Bias Avg Local Delta
1 14.39 17.80 0.00 0.03 0.11 0.08
2 14.34 17.80 0.00 0.05 0.13 0.08
3 14.15 17.79 0.11 0.10 0.24 0.07
4 14.17 17.78 0.11 0.09 0.22 0.07
5 14.28 17.85 0.11 0.05 0.34 0.09
6 14.26 17.83 0.11 0.08 0.33 0.08
7 14.14 17.81 4.88 0.12 0.26 0.08
8 14.18 17.80 0.11 0.09 0.23 0.07
9 14.28 17.84 0.00 0.05 0.19 0.07
10 14.24 17.86 0.11 0.07 0.23 0.07
11 14.05 17.82 0.87 0.11 0.34 0.07
12 14.07 17.82 0.98 0.09 0.32 0.08
13 14.28 17.88 0.00 0.04 0.19 0.09
14 14.36 17.83 0.00 0.03 0.12 0.08

Statistics for each battery block.

  • Min: minimum observed value.
  • Max: maximum observed value.
  • % Time @ Min V: time percentage the given block was the lowest of the battery; high values may indicate a weak block.
  • Bias: difference from the highest block.
  • Local Delta: how much a block differs from its immediate neighbours.
  • Global stats
    Minimum observed battery voltage 199 V
    Maximum observed battery voltage 249 V
    Minimum observed block voltage 14.05 V
    Maximum observed block voltage 17.88 V
    Maximum Delta 0.34 V
    Average Delta 0.13 V
    Minimum observed current -24.00 A
    Maximum observed current 14.00 A
    Minimum observed SOC 38.0%
    Maximum observed SOC 61.2%
    Delta SOC 23.1%
    Energy 582mAh
    Estimated Capacity 3.30Ah

    Delta Thresholds
    Threshold Consecutive Samples
    0.2 5
    0.45 0
    0.7 0
    0.95 0
    1.2 0

    Maximum delta value between highest and lowest block is the most important parameter for battery health: high delta values suggests a weary battery.
    Delta values are significant only when repeated over a long time: the table counts consecutive samples where delta value is over the indicated threshold.
    Low counts are not an indication of a fault while high counts may be.

    HV Battery Temperature

    0 10 20 30 40 50 60 -30 -22 -13 -5 3 12 20 0 10:47:28 10:48:17 10:49:06 10:49:56 10:50:45 10:51:34 10:52:23 10:53:13 10:54:02 10:54:51 Time Temperature Current Sensor 1 Sensor 2 Sensor 3 Battery Inhaling Temperature Battery Current Critical EV disable Fan start


    Powertrain Temperature

    0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 10:42:57 10:44:17 10:45:37 10:46:57 10:48:16 10:49:36 10:50:56 10:52:16 10:53:35 10:54:55 Time Temperature Engine Coolant Temperature Inverter Temperature Battery Temperature MG Temperature Battery Inhaling Temperature Room Temperature Ambient Temperature

    Coolant Inverter MG
    Avg 66°C 37°C 32°C
    Min 30°C 32°C 30°C
    Max 86°C 44°C 34°C

    Time to reach given temperature
    Coolant Temperature Time
    40°C 0:40 sec
    50°C 0:40 sec
    65°C 3:22 sec
    70°C 3:40 sec

    HV Battery Temperature Sensors
    Sensor In 1 2 3
    % Max - 0% 100% 0%
    Max 34°C 36°C 38°C 35°C
    Avg 31°C 34°C 36°C 34°C
    Min 30°C 33°C 36°C 33°C

    Temperatures for each car component.
    Engine coolant temperature is the water temperature, while inverter and MG is the actual component temperature.
    For inverters and MGs, only the most significant value among all components is shown.
    HV Battery has multiple sensors: usually the inner ones are higher that the outer ones. % Max shows time percentage the specified sensor was the highest of the pack.


    Avg 178
    Start 185
    End 174
    Min 174
    Max 185
    Upward 0
    Downward 0
    Altitude Delta -11


    0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 10:42:57 10:44:17 10:45:37 10:46:57 10:48:16 10:49:36 10:50:56 10:52:16 10:53:35 10:54:55 Time Speed SOC Speed SOC

    Average 0 mph
    Moving Average NaN mph
    EV Average 0 mph
    Max 0 mph


    RPM Load Power Timing
    Avg 1,231 82% 4.712kW 0°
    Max 1,460 94% 7.959kW 15°
    Min - - - -10°

    Total 3
    Inefficients 0


    0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 -10 -4 1 6 12 18 23 28 34 40 45 51 56 62 67 72 78 84 89 95 100 0 10:42:57 10:44:17 10:45:37 10:46:57 10:48:16 10:49:36 10:50:56 10:52:16 10:53:35 10:54:55 Time RPM Engine Load/Ignition Timing RPM Engine Load Ignition Timing

    Energy from the petrol engine 0.46 kWh

    State % Longest Time
    ICE Running 48% 3:19 sec
    ICE Spinning 0% 0:00 sec
    ICE Off 52% 4:16 sec

    EV Statistics
    Trip Length 0.00 mi
    EV Range 0.00 mi
    Excessive EV events 0

    EV States
    State % Longest Time
    EV 52% 4:15 sec
    EV traction 0% 0:00 sec
    Excessive EV 0% 0:00 sec


    ICE MG1 RPM MG2 RPM MG1 Torque MG2 Torque
    Avg 1,231 4,373 -0 -10ft-lb 1ft-lb
    Max 1,460 5,249 9 27ft-lb 70ft-lb
    Min 0 -165 -20 -15ft-lb -35ft-lb


    -2000 -1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 10:42:57 10:44:17 10:45:37 10:46:57 10:48:16 10:49:36 10:50:56 10:52:16 10:53:35 10:54:55 Time RPM RPM MG1 RPM MG2 RPM


    -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 10:42:57 10:44:17 10:45:37 10:46:57 10:48:16 10:49:36 10:50:56 10:52:16 10:53:35 10:54:55 Time Torque Engine Torque MG1 Torque MG2 Torque


    -10 0 10 10:42:57 10:44:17 10:45:37 10:46:57 10:48:16 10:49:36 10:50:56 10:52:16 10:53:35 10:54:55 Time Power Engine power HV Battery Power MG1 Power MG2 Power

    Combined power

    -10 0 10 -150 0 150 0 10:42:57 10:44:17 10:45:37 10:46:57 10:48:16 10:49:36 10:50:56 10:52:16 10:53:35 10:54:55 Time Power HSI Combined power Hybrid System Indicator

    Fuel Trims

    Fuel Trim

    -20 -10 0 10 20 10:42:57 10:44:17 10:45:37 10:46:57 10:48:16 10:49:36 10:50:56 10:52:16 10:53:35 10:54:55 Time Fuel Trim % Long Term Fuel Trim Short Term Fuel Trim Effective Fuel Trim

    Fuel Trims are the percentage of change in fuel over time.
    The engine control unit keeps proper air:fuel ratio by fine-tuning the amount of fuel going into the engine.

    Fuel Trim Map

    -20 -10 0 10 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 RPM %

    For each RPM value of the petrol engine, the applied Fuel Trim plotted as a dot.
    This map can be used to verify LGP-operating engines working condition.

    RPM/Fuel Trim/Ignition Timing

    -20 -10 0 10 20 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 RPM Fuel Trim/Ignition Timing Ignition Timing Effective Fuel Trim

    Fuel Trim and Ignition Timings are plotted at various RPM values.
    This map can be used to verify LGP-operating engines working condition.

    Fuel Trim
    Short Term Long Term Effective
    Avg 2% -0% 1%
    Min -20% -4% -14%
    Max 19% 7% 15%

    BSFC Statistics

    Brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) is a measure of the fuel efficiency of an engine that burns fuel And produces rotational Power.


    0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 Engine Speed [RPM] Engine Torque [Nm] 5kW 10kW 15kW 20kW 30kW 40kW 50kW 60kW 70kW 80kW 90kW 100kW Engine Off Low Efficiency Medium Efficiency High Efficiency Best Efficiency

    BSFC Absolute Value

    0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 200 208 216 224 232 240 248 256 264 272 280 10:42:57 10:44:17 10:45:37 10:46:57 10:48:16 10:49:36 10:50:56 10:52:16 10:53:35 10:54:55 Time Speed/Temperature BSFC Speed Engine Coolant Temperature BSFC

    The average BSFC value is plotted with a colored dot.
    Range of BSFC excursion is plotted with a green line, so the shorter the line is, the more precise the BSFC value.

    RPM/Fuel Trim/Ignition Timing/BSFC

    -20 -10 0 10 20 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 RPM Fuel Trim/Ignition Timing BSFC Effective Fuel Trim

    Fuel Trim and Ignition Timings are plotted at various RPM values.
    Ignition Timings values are painted with the BSFC value obtained at that specific point.
    This map can be used to verify LGP-operating engines working condition.

    Average 666
    Standard deviation 484

    Car Driving

    State % Longest Time
    Pulse 0% 0:00 sec
    Approximate Glide 0% 0:00 sec
    Coasting 0% 0:00 sec
    Heretical 0% 0:00 sec
    Accelerator pressed 15% 1:36 sec
    Accelerating 0% 0:00 sec
    Moving 0% 0:00 sec

    Car operational state statistics during the trip.
    States are expressed as percentage over the entire trip time and longest time span the state persisted.

  • Pulse: accelerating with nearly all ICE power given to traction.
  • Approximate Glide: cruising with no electrical or mechanical traction (approximate evaluation).
  • Coasting: cruising with no accelerator or brake applied.
  • Heretical: cruising with MG1 electric motor providing traction.
  • Accelerator pressed: accerator pedal is pressed, even if not actually accelerating.
  • Accelerating: car speed is increasing.
  • Moving: car is not stopped.

  • Driver Evaluation

    Accelerator Nervousness 2.12
    Inefficient Ignitions 0/3

  • Accelerator Nervousness: Variability of the accelerator pedal usage. Higher values indicate a nervous driving style
  • Braking Efficiency: Ability to use regenerative braking
  • Inefficient Ignitions: Number of engine ignitions that lasted less than 5 seconds

  • Notes

    Point size on scatter charts is proportional to number of samples: a small, well defined dot represent a higher confidence value than a bigger, faint dot.